Dallas Integrative Counseling
Counseling* Biofeedback* Stress Management*
Insomnia* Performance* Pain Management*
An Integrative Approach To Your Therapeutic Needs
Adult - Adolescent - Pediatric
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PhysioData Solutions, LLC
EEG Artifacting & Editing
QEEG Report Service
(469) 623-7100 or email info@dallasintegrativecounseling.com
PhysioData Solutions, LLC provides the best in EEG inspection, artifact rejection, and QEEG report services. PhysioData Solutions, LLC has collected and edited over 6,500 EEG's and has been providing EEG/QEEG services and training to neurologists, therapists & clinicians for nearly a decade. PhysioData Solutions is certified at the Diplomate level in quantitative electroencephalography and is also a Registered Electroencephalographer and is Board Certificed by the American Board of Electroencephaolographic Technologists (ABRET). Lindsay Hollmuller LPC, BCB, BCN, NCC is a licensed professional counselor and double board certfied in both Neurofeedback and General Biofeedback.
The edited data is processed with FDA registered NeuroGuide software which includes full color QEEG maps indicating your client's brainwave activity using the 10-20 meansurement system.
Receive comprehensive edits and reports from a true expert in the field of EEG & QEEG. Click HERE to download a Sample Report
QEEG Report Pricing
1. Eyes Open Linked Ears Z-Scores (w/ Laplacian).............................................................$50
2. Eyes Closed Linked Ears Z-Scores (w/ Laplacian)..........................................................$50
3. NeuroGuide TBI/ Learning Disorders discriminant analyses &Severity Ind.............$20
4. Clinical Report & Neurotherapy Protocol Recommendations .................................... $75
...........................................................................................................................................Value $195
Package A (1-4).........................................................................................................................$175
Package B (1-3)........................................................................................................................ $100
One Condition Only (either EO, EC, RD) .................................................................................$75
All packages include electronic PDF format files sent HIPAA compliant and secure.
Paper copies will be sent priority mail for an additional charge of $15
Pre/Post Comparison Analyses Summary added to a full Post QEEG Report ............................add $75
Rush Service:
24 Hour Turn Around...................................................................................................................................add $100
48 Hour Turn Around.....................................................................................................................................add $75
Supervison and Training in person hourly rate.................................................................................... $100/hr
Skype Consultation...................................................................................................................... per half hour $45
Additional Services